GNL Mejillones requested PRDW the conceptual engineering services for the project of a new unloading terminal of liquid natural gas (LNG) in the Bay of Mejillones. Also the EPC contractor requested PRDW the FEED and detailed engineering of maritime works.
The project was to develop maritime civil works for two berths for LNG ships, one for a permanent FSRU in its first phase and the other for unloading LNG.
The EPC contract of maritime works was awarded to BELFI S.A., for whom PRDW developed the engineering project details. This consisted in a jetty to the attention of 2 ships 165,000m³ LNG, a site for the storage and processing, and the other for unloading ships.
PRDW developed the conceptual engineering and FEED for the customer as well as the detailed engineering for the EPC contractor of maritime works.
The project considered the following maritime works:
- Access bridge, 620m long, platform including lire, electric building, etc.
- Download platform 40x60m, for the berthing of two ships, to support loading arms, topside structure, spill pool, and others.
- Breasting dolphins, mooring dolphins and walkways.
Engineering developed by PRDW included:
- Determining the layout.
- Wave operational study and design study.
- Study of operational downtime.
- Numerical modeling of the dynamics of the ship docked.
- Study of risk and Tsunami penetration.
- Structural design of all its elements.
- Special seismic analysis.
- Study maneuvers, signage and bollard pull.
PRDW was well supervised, reviewed and coordinated the following studies and activities:
- Research and geotechnical studies.
- Oceanographic measurements.
Preliminar, Basic and Detail Engineering
Chile, Mejillones Bay
GNL Mejillones S.A.
Belfi S.A.
2006 – 2007